Der Kulturschock
Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany
To the Clergy of the Roman Catholic Church
Z.H. Pope Francis
To the World's Population or those Interested
in the Matter of the Lord and Creator
Germany, Luebeck, January 2, 2025
The German-language document you may find here!
Dear Readers, Dear Pope Francis, Dear Clergy,
The new year has begun and the Holy Year 2025 has already moved seamlessly into the next calendar year.
This special Holy Year 2025 will in all probability be the last year of this kind and this class of the digital atomic age, as the Revelation of John also began during this last age of humanity and is probably already in the last third of the prophecies known to us and has come true.
The really astonishing thing about this is that it is not you as the clergy or at least a large number of Christians who can clearly recognize and pronounce that the word or prophecy in the Bible in the last book of the New Testament has come true as a revelation.
The question that therefore arises or must arise is: Why does Christianity, and especially the clergy, not realize what final stage of life humanity is in, whereby there will and must be an end, but an end always has a beginning!
Through the Revelation of John, the seer John gave us as humanity an insight into the heavenly processes and prophecies through very different powers and authorities. Many things were described to us as unspeakably beautiful and abysmally ugly, although reality has already confirmed clear signs of these descriptions.
However, this does not explain why the Church refers exclusively to God's promise that he will remain with us all days until the end of time, but the Church does not really care about the true consequences, which also affect the Lord and Creator, in that the Church cares about the soul-stricken human race and therefore about the individual, who never had a fair chance of entering paradise at some point.
Not only for the well-being of humanity, but as a clergyman you also always take care of the actual whereabouts of the Lord and Creator of heaven and earth, and this must apply first and foremost and must always have priority, for example by keeping your church “clean or pure” from the inside in terms of sin and guilt, and also paying particular attention to the souls of your entrusted Christian community.
As a rule, the body of Christ is always given with open hands and taken from people with open hands, regardless of whether the person is controlled or taken by the devil or possibly not.
And now we have already come to the matter and the Lord's commission. How do you, as clergy, come up with the idea that by participating in the Holy Mass and going to Holy Communion, a consecrated host or the body of Christ can “cleanse” a person who has been taken over by the devil or wipe away his guilt or sins?
And what about the “inner purity” of a clergyman himself? For example, at this moment of the Eucharistic celebration, is he even capable of performing the consecration and, if not, what actually happens to our Lord God?
If this easy way of life of the clergy and many of the parishioners manifests itself by the body of Christ being “offered to the devil in exchange” or simply held out to him as a kind of deterrent, what has actually happened to our Lord God at some point and where will he be able to stay?
Instead of generously giving away the Body of Christ or allowing it to be misappropriated or misused during the consecration, you as clergy should rather use the last Holy Year 2025 in history wisely and immediately pull the necessary stimulus cord by making a pilgrimage in the matter and commission of the Lord and Creator to all countries of the world in order to give hope for salvation through the testimony of Jesus Christ and the Creator of heaven and earth!
Are there not seven sacraments, even in number, that a Christian should know and receive? Are these sacraments holy or can everyone decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong and how they want to understand being a Christian?
Would this not be the timely and urgent task of the clergy and the necessary prerequisite for all people of other faiths to be able to enter Christianity and to be able to enter eternal life after a person's lived life?
If we as humanity want to speak of a new beginning of the world or of a new world, then this will only happen through the will of the Creator with God as the center of the world, because otherwise the devil can again too easily twist or confuse the sides of good and evil and turn a so-called freedom into a very dangerous lack of freedom in truth.
The term “atomic age” alone contains the progress of mankind created by the high spirit and digitalization also points to an extremely highly developed culture of mankind, whereby one would almost have to speak of technical marvels if one came from a past age.
The spiritually highly developed ability of mankind and these new possibilities of the highly technical developments of mankind, which also occupy the orbit, for example through satellites, come directly to the Creator through invisible rays and waves or invisible impulses such as WLAN, which has not always or not in every age been the case.
This highly technical development of mankind through progress also includes the preserved life with or through technology, for example through operations, and thus the created life also remains connected to technology, which will however also exist as a highly vital technical omnipotence in the adjacent universe.
Not only does the human being live in a highly technical environment or is connected to it, but the Lord and Creator would thus also be connected through the human being to the technology that has arisen from the human spirit. If the distance to Creation is infinite, there is a way or a wide variety of connections, for example through technology via satellites or even probes.
Thus, the use of the digital world is always linked to invisible connections and can, through diabolical machinations, reach a foreign, highly technical omnipotence that is also alive, like the Creator of us all:
Especially when human rights are transgressed, the devil raises hell with man and this is particularly true when it directly affects creation. This is clearly the case with abortion. These millions of abortions carried out by humanity ultimately lead us all into an alien and overpowering omnipotence, as a gigantic connection between the Almighty and this living giant turkey may have long since been established through Creation.
And now you come as the clergy and then also in the Hamburg area and ignore all written warnings of my person and witness statements or over-dimensional events by simply suppressing everything and simply clinging to rituals as a presumably informed bishop and as some clergy. Then such a mass celebration is also broadcast on TV, in which the Eucharist was held and the blessing was also given via TV and thus through the high technology, which also reached my person.
So my person had to seriously ask herself, for example, to whom such a bishop is firmly bound and with whom he was once again firmly bound, because it can no longer have been the Lord God; the Lord God has long been “under cover” and no longer available to clergy who use the host as a protective shield! Even if a bishop could possibly no longer be healthy and even if he had a split personality, informed Christians or non-Christians should have prevented him from this complete TV broadcast of the Mass.
However, Christianity should gladly be celebrated and honored by spreading it worldwide at the end of time, but for the time being, the Roman Catholic Church will have to do without the consecration and actually also the blessing, especially via technology, for a transitional period.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church, which also has women at the altar, will have to take on this task for the transitional period in the matter and commission of the Lord, so that no further abuse of the true clergy can be carried out by a foreign omnipotence! This foreign omnipotence is a brooder and can lay eggs or offshoots, and so the giant turkey is neuter and also more female, in that the living giant (com)turkey wants the sole omnipotence and the man, you as clergy and everyone else had better not forget that!
This is now the last reminder to the Roman Catholic World Church, whereby my person would, if necessary, politely but firmly have Bundeswehr soldiers deployed to any affected location in the event of a lack of understanding in this matter, should the Cudgel of my person be even longer in coming!
I therefore remain
Ursula Sabisch, Empress
HP: A rich world church does not allow the bell bag to be used as a means to an end for decades and the rest of the threatened people to die of starvation en masse, for example! Unfortunately, in the interests of true Spirituality and Creation, this must be made very clear to the Church!